I got new shooooooes!!!!!!!!!!! I had to take time off running because I was kicking my own a$$ by running in shoes that didn't fit right. SOOOoooo, Saturday morning, Matt and I went to the local shoes store and got fitted for some kicks. I decided to go with a different brand this time, and after my first run in them, I'm noticing a HUGE difference.
ooooh, sooo prettyyyy
Those are my new Ghost Brooks. Yes, they do make me run as fast as the wind, and they do make me even MORE cool that I already am :) JK. But I do love them. They are super light weight and they have extra cushion for the pushin (not in the naughty way). I feel like I'm rolling off my toes and not dragging my heels. I hit the ground soft in the middle of my foot instead of having a heavy heel strike. I'm really hoping that after a few runs in them to break them in, I'm still completely in love with them.
Today I went for my first run in a week, and we made it a shorty, but pushed hard. I ran a 7:17 mile bi***es!!! It was only 2.33 miles, but I felt great running and it's made me excited to get back to it.
Whelp. I need to go shower and eat dinner. Early and long day tomorrow.
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