Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Hips Don't Lie

As I got up this morning I was extra determined to run today.  This week has been pretty pathetic on the distance side of things.  About the time I was going to get ready, I looked out side as it was starting to pour.  I don't mind running in rain, but showers are another thing, especially when the wind is blowing.  That's when I gave the weather the bird (yes, actually flipped the rain off).  I decided that today would be a good day to run some errands. This means I had to drive around to find the Target all on my own (scary!).  I managed ok, even found some back roads home, which I'm claiming was on purpose, and got home about... 3 hours before I expected to.  Shit.  I've been very tired of sitting at home on my days off.  That's the worst part of moving in my opinion.  You don't have friends yet that you can call/text up and say hey, lets hang.  I digress.  Anyway, I was about to give in to the day and put on some chick flicks (this has been my activity of choice since moving here) when I glanced out the window.  THE RAIN HAD STOPPED!!! I threw on my running stuff and hit the road.  I was determined to make it further than the 3 miles I've been stuck on.  During my run I saw pretty flowers, lots of birds, (sigh) and LOTS of RAIN!  Yeah, as soon as I got about 1 mile into the run, it started to rain, and the wind picked up again.  I pushed on (I'm so strong).  I ran until I was too tired to go further, and my stomach hurt (don't eat lunch then run, do it the other way around).  I gave up and went home.  

You'll never guess how far I ran...

5 MILES!!!!!!!!!!  This is the first time since my half marathon Jan '11 that I've run this distance.  I know it's not much, but I feel great knowing that once again, I'm on track!!!  This has definitely given me the momentum I've needed to keep pushing myself!

Best song of my run?  "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira
What's your favorite song to workout to?



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