Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not About Running

So, I'm taking que from from of the bloggers that I read... Here are 5 things that make me happy right now:

1. Getting to catch up with my dear friends.  I hate talking on the phone, but sometimes it just feels really nice to hear that familiar voice. It warms my heart.

2. Putting Mumford and Sons Radio on on Pandora and reading my newest addiction.  

If you haven't read this trilogy yet, DO!  It's erotic, and naughty, but SUCH a good read!  

3. Going into work and having my coworkers greet me because they are happy I'm there.  It's a good feeling.

4. Going to the gym for my group strength class.  I'm noticing a difference and I'm only going once a week.  This class makes me feel strong and good about myself.
I have a butt!!!!
5. Snuggling on the couch with my fiance after eating dinner and watching some tv.  I love to snuggle.

Do you have a fab 5 right now?

Thursday, May 24, 2012


So now that I've started my cross-training with weights, strengthening my core, and trying things outside of running, I've lost my balance.  I am now so focused on my "other", that I've left no time or energy for running.  I think the best thing I can do right now is to make a schedule (I know, I know, this isn't rocket science).  I need to put it on my calendars which days I'm going to run and which will be for "other".  Maybe if I put in there, I will MAKE myself stick to a balanced schedule.

My other balance problem is knowing when enough is enough.  I went to an hour-long weights class this last week, and the next day, I didn't really feel any pain or soreness from the class, so in my not-so-smart state of mind, I decided to go work out again.  Not a nice run, but weights, again... NO SMART!!!!  It's all about balancing.  Why didn't I just run you ask? Because.... I don't know...

So, now that I've *hopefully* learned my lesson, again, I'm going to be better about my scheduling of things.

Good luck to you!

Monday, May 21, 2012


So I know I've been off the radar for while, and I don't know when I'm going to get back on.  I've been doing ok with my running/exercising, but work has been dragging me down, big-time.  I KNOW I can't use excuses to not work out or run. I know that I'm doing just that.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to motivate myself when I'm not feeling it, or when it's raining, or when I'm tired?

What is the line between too tired and will hurt myself if I push and just feeling tired, but should still go out and run?


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cross Training

Yesterday was my first day of cross training, and I decided to join a friend at the gym for a body pump class. That wasn't the technical name for the class, but that's what it was.  We started off with some squats, then lunges (around the entire parking lot), then some abs, and finished with some arms/shoulders/back.  This was an hour of weights.  I was shaking after about 15 minutes of this class.  Think you are in shape?  Take a pump class, you'll learn better.

Today, I'm sore.  Not like last night though.  Last night after the class, I didn't have the strength to lift my fork, or my cup of water.  I was on the floor, and tried to stand up, but fell over.  My lovely fiance just laughed and shook his head.  Today, I feel sore, but not fatigued, which is good.  I'm going to do an easy run today and not push too hard.  Tomorrow, I pick it up a bit.  I don't want to over-do it and hurt myself, but I want to keep working out.  

I swear I can already see a difference in my core (ok, in reality, probably not, but I like to tell myself I can).

So here's to a perky ass, tight abs, and beautiful arms and toned back! *clink*


Monday, May 7, 2012


This last weekend was a roller-coaster of emotions.  Matt's grandma passed away a few weeks ago, and May 5th was her birthday, so they decided to celebrate her life on that special day.  Family and friends gathered and we had a wonderful celebration of Virginia.  We all drank margaritas (her favorite), and had Mexican food (yay for it also being cinqo de mayo).   She loved life, and lived a very good one.  It is sad that she is gone, but she left an amazing legacy behind.  She will be very missed.  It was so wonderful to see family, and get together, but the circumstances weren't choice.  Sunday, we got to spend about 4 hours going through storage units, moving stuff around and helping Matt's parents with all of the really crappy parts of taking care of Virginia's belongings.  I'm glad that I was able to meet her, and some more of her family, and that I was there to help, but I'm also glad that weekend is over.

On a little bit more positive note: I'm back!  I feel like a runner again, finally.  I kicked some butt today on hills, and felt so good afterwards, that I kept going.  I kept a really good pace for every part of my run except for the hill, but that's ok.  My new shoes are amazing, and they are so much easier to run in.  I don't feel clumsy anymore (most of the time, the other times are just because I AM clumsy).  I don't feel like I'm being weighed-down and I don't feel as heavy I was feeling.  This is good.

The plan is: I will run when I can.  On Tuesdays (when I'm not working), I'll go to a group fit class, and then Thursdays, I'll go to spinning.  I'll go to Zumba when I can.  I'm going to take this runner, and turn her into an athlete.  I know that this will only help me become a better runner, and I'll be a lot healthier too.  I think the hardest part of this is going to slowing down when I need to.  I tend to get carried away sometimes.  

Here is to running, and being healthy and happy, and to getting married in 3 months!  

Favorite song of my run today? Dog Days by Florence and the Machines.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Ghost Ninja

I got new shooooooes!!!!!!!!!!!  I had to take time off running because I was kicking my own a$$ by running in shoes that didn't fit right.  SOOOoooo, Saturday morning, Matt and I went to the local shoes store and got fitted for some kicks.  I decided to go with a different brand this time, and after my first run in them, I'm noticing a HUGE difference.  
ooooh, sooo prettyyyy

Those are my new Ghost Brooks.  Yes, they do make me run as fast as the wind, and they do make me even MORE cool that I already am :)  JK. But I do love them.  They are super light weight and they have extra cushion for the pushin (not in the naughty way).  I feel like I'm rolling off my toes and not dragging my heels.  I hit the ground soft in the middle of my foot instead of having a heavy heel strike.  I'm really hoping that after a few runs in them to break them in, I'm still completely in love with them.

Today I went for my first run in a week, and we made it a shorty, but pushed hard.  I ran a 7:17 mile bi***es!!!  It was only 2.33 miles, but I felt great running and it's made me excited to get back to it.  

Whelp.  I need to go shower and eat dinner.  Early and long day tomorrow.  



Friday, April 27, 2012

I Work Out!

I joined a gym! I've known that cross-training is vital to getting to my best with running.  I'm not a huge fan of weights, in fact, they kind of scare the shit outta me.  Part of the problem is that I am not comfortable using them in public because I don't want to look like a wuss, or idiot for not knowing what the H-E-doublehockeyssticks I am doing.  I know everyone has a starting point, I just feel like this is one area I'm slacking, big time!

So... I'm going to go to some fun classes with a gal from work, and I'm going to take advantage of the free 30 min intro with a trainer. I'm not bringing in enough dough to be able to pay for a fun trainer, and several reoccurring sessions, so I'll have to take what I can get.  I'm excited to have someone that I can take classes with so I won't feel so silly all alone... I'll someone else to laugh at me :)

So that's the latest.  I'm not going running until I get new shoes, because every time I've run in the last month, my shins and ankles have hurt quite bad.  I'm going to listen to my body and make the changes I need to make in order to keep myself from injury.

Here's to hoping the gym works for me, and that soon, I'll be rocking the weights (I promise that I won't point and laugh at the others that are starting out and totally not knowing what they are doing).